- no kitchen table, no where to eat meals besides the cluttered 2x2.5 fo0t table that serves as my desk
-no where to stack the random crap I accumulate except on that same 2x2.5 foot table
-no counter top to prepare meals, all the preparation takes place on my washer, whose top is slightly rounded, making things like slicing pieces of cheese slightly more difficult
- a nasty stench in one part of the place stinks up the whole place
Upsides of living in a small space:
- less to clean
- keep things cleaner since a few things out of place makes things seem even more cluttered
- can hear the music coming from the computer no matter where you are
- doesn't take too long to heat, or cool, the place
- never have to be afraid that someone, or something, scary is hiding in another room because you only have one room, there is no where for them to be, so you pretty much know your always safe from scary entities
Just finished reading another awesome Paulo Coehlo book. It's called The Fifth Mountain, and I highly recommend it.
If you have never listened to Griffin House you should check him out. I have three of his albums, just recently downloaded one, and he is awesome. I've been listening to him on repeat for about a week now.
I'd like to tell the person who decided to have like 3 free songs on iTunes each weeks that he, or she, is not only a gentleman, but also a scholar. I love the free songs.
Watched The Big Lebowski, while drinking White Russians, for the first time last Friday. Don't know why it took me so long to do either.
Felt bad this week after getting angry at Dario and making him sit against the wall while the rest of us played a game. Right after telling them not to touch, or blow on the flashcards that I was setting up to play a game of memory what did he do? Blew them all over. I made him sit against the wall and watch us play. At the time I thought it was appropriate, but later I realized that not only is a a 5 year old boy, ergo facto he hardly has the ability to pay attention and heed warnings, but I expected him to be able to do it in another language. He did deserve it though. That kid never listens. Why is it that I love him so much? I don't know.
Hope all is well with you. Talk to you later.
A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.
- Paulo Coehlo, The Fifth Mountain