Dec 22, 2009

from Guri-shi, Korea

Dec 16, 2009


AAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. After two weeks I finally have internet back. I don't know why it took so long for people to fix it. All they had to do was bring a new little box thing, and WHAMO internet works. Besides the inability to communicate easily with people back home I really didn't miss it that much. I got a lot read in my book and worked on putting together a picture montage from all my study abroad pictures, almost three years late but o'well.

I guess I will just give a quick little rundown of what's been up since my last post. We celebrated Thanksgiving at a Korean friends apartment. I think there were about 50 foreigners there. It was a potluck, so needless to say we had plenty of food. I missed everyone back home, but it was a pretty great way to celebrate Thanksgiving. I made some decent green beans, and someone brought deviled eggs so I was pretty much in heaven. I actually got to enjoy a turkey this year too. Last year, while in Colorado, my roommates and I made beer brats. Amazing as they were, not quite the same as having a turkey.

Got my year membership to Cosco a couple weeks ago. I've been eating pickles, pepper-jack cheese, and turkey sandwiches like they're going out of style. That first sandwich I made was probably the best sandwich I've ever had. I couldn't find any ranch dressing, but I came upon some Pineapple-Mustard dressing that I'm throughly enjoying. I'm sure that's because its probably about 99% sugar. It sure tastes good with carrots though.

The first two things I've talked about is food....hhhmmmmmm.

School is going pretty well. I think I pretty much know what I'm doing now. I think it took me a solid two months to figure out timing and such. I played games every class for maybe the last ten minutes. Now, I seldom play games, and can pretty much fill the time up. I feel like I've got things pretty much under control, so of course we are changing classes around big time after Christmas break. Only two of my classes will be the same. I'm happy to get rid of some of my classes, that's for sure, but I'm also really sad that I won't have some of my kids anymore. Especially this one girl named Sally. She is probably my favorite girl ever. I think she's about 8 and so, so cute. She's always smiling, has no front teeth, and always pays attention. I LOVE her. I try not to show favorites, but I'm not sure I hide it very well. Somehow Sally always ends up with the most stickers at the end of class.

My kinde class doubled in size this month. It went from one to two. It was just Jamie and I for about a month I think. It got pretty old. Then about a week ago a new little boy joined us. I loved him right away. He had a plaid sweater on and checkered leggings. He didn't have an English name yet so for the first day we just called him by his family name which is Moon. The next day I was told to give him a name. I asked him if he like Sam and he said no. I said how about Oliver, and he liked that one. Then I came back the next day and somehow his name had gotten changed to Ray. He doesn't really look like a Ray, and I often call him Moon because that's what he looks like, but he is super cute. And he always laughs at me which is a plus.

We only have 6 more days of classes, and then 9 days off for Christmas break. We were trying to get together some kind of ski trip for Christmas weekend, but we didn't start early enough and lodging is all booked up. So I think we might just take a day trip. I don't know what else I'll do during break. Probably just do some more touristy stuff. New Year's should be cool. I'm sure we can find some big celebration in Seoul.

Other than that not much really. I've almost been here four months now. Things have gotten pretty routine. Some people might not like that, but it suits me pretty well. I wake up, go to school, work out, eat dinner, go to bed, wake up and do it again during the week. Then I spend too much money, drink too much crappy Korean beer, and stay up far too late into the morning on the weekends. Don't worry Dad I am able to save money too.

I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas. This will be the second Christmas in a row that I've been away from home. I thought this one would be easier, but as the day gets closer I'm thinking its gonna be just as hard. I really love you all so much, and hate being away from you. Holidays make it really hard. Some people might wonder why I like so much to travel and experience things so far from home, but I think the people who are so eager to see, and experience the world are the one's who know they always have a great place to return to. Iowa may not be the most fascinating place in the world, but its where my family and friends are, and it doesn't get much better than that.

If I don't get a chance to say it to you before...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! My room is actually a bit festive. I have lights and a few other ornaments hanging on my wall. It's pretty cozy. Anyways, I hope everyone has a good one. Enjoy yourself and be safe.