Oct 12, 2009


"Where am I?", and "What am I doing?"

These two questions seem to pop into my head a lot here.  I will be walking down the street, and those two questions will just come out of no where.  "Where am I?".  I know exactly where I am when I wonder where I am.  I'm in Korea.  I'm in Guri.  I'm in Topyeongdong.  And I know exactly what I'm doing when I wonder what I'm doing.  I'm teaching English to cute, little Korean kids.  I'm living my early twenties the way they should be lived (in my opinion at least).  I'm having a blast.  It isn't a bad thing that I wonder these things.  I think I'm still kind of in awe of where my life has taken me.  I don't think I really believe it's all real.  I can't actually get my whole self to understand that I am in Korea, teaching English to little kids.  I'm alright with that though.  I don't think I would mind if I lived most of my life not really believing that I'm actually doing what I'm doing.  Seems like an interesting way to live.  

Well let's see...what next.  I joined a boxing gym.  I've always kind of wanted to do boxing as a workout.  I've heard it's a great workout.  I don't think I want to actually box people.  I don't think I would like that very much.  I like to think I'm pretty tough, but I'm pretty sure one shot to the head would have me cowering in the corner.  Plus I think I would feel bad hitting someone else.  I am enjoying the workout.  And I feel kinda tough punching the bags.  

I've noticed that I mostly talk about the weekends in my blogs, but that is mostly because the best things happen on the weekends.  I pretty much live for the weekends (I know I'm not alone in that).  I haven't enjoyed Fridays this much since high school.  I love it.  

I am enjoying teaching, most of the time that is.  I only really hate one class.  And some of the classes I didn't like at first I now enjoy a lot.  I think every week gets a little easier, and I figure the kids out a little more.  For the most part the weeks are pretty much the same so I don't have tons to say about them.  Here are just a couple of teaching stories I can think of...

One of my little nugget kinde kids, Elvin, toots quite a bit.  Maybe several times a day.  Well last week as I was helping them clean up the toys they had thrown all over the room (they have play time everyday just before I teach them for 80 minutes, for some reason it seems like my class is the only one who have toys strewn all over the room), I was bent over picking up a toy and Elvin came and stuck his butt right in my face and farted.  As I am not necessarily the most mature person I know, I tried my best to sternly tell him not to do that while suppressing my laughter.  It ended up being something like, "Elvin don't do that, bahahahaaha."

I am continually amazed by how much English my little kinde kids pick up.  All of a sudden last week Dario just wanted to tell me stories the whole class.  Every two minutes I would hear, "Teacher, Teacher."  I would say, "What?", and then it takes him about five seconds to start because he is thinking so hard about what he wants to say.  Most of the story ends up being told using hand gestures and noises, but I love it.  Dario is definitely my favorite even though he never listens, is usually flopping around on the floor, and I have to wrestle with him to keep him from running out the door and visiting other classes.  

There is only one child that I pretty much detest.  I can't stand the kid.  He really is a nasty child.  I've heard a really good way to get bad kids to behave is to make fun of them, so I'm trying that out this week.  I will let you know how it goes.  And if you think that is mean then you have never had to teach, and discipline children who do not speak your language. Disciplining is especially hard when the kids don't know what you are saying.

Well that is about all I have I think.  I hope everyone is doing well.  I'm have a pretty awesome time here.  I do miss you all, and I love hearing from you.  Have fun, and be safe.

Na Zdravi

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